Sunday, January 17, 2010

Personal experiences

I work as an English trainer in EF(English First) Language training Center only for half year . Even though I didn't have adequate teaching experiences, I still have some opinions on technology in language teaching and learning. For one thing, I did use technology in English teaching when I was a trainer. For example, I have used computer, powerpoint, microphone and stereo that all these technological equipments to facilitate my teaching as well as motivate students' learning. For another, when I was college students two years ago, I did found that technology help me Language learning that I always depended on MP3, computer to improve my language listening and reading. As a result, there is no doubt that technology indeed facilitate language learning and teaching.


  1. Hi there! Interesting post! One technology that I think can be really useful is podcasting - both for receptive listening and for productive speaking. Have you tried it out?

  2. Hi Phyllis (what a nice name!) yeah I think I agree with Cristoph about podcasting because I've read that it can be a great platform for students to project their voices to the outside world. He suggested that students could produce radio shows via podcasting which I really want to try with my own students. Apparently, once you have the software (might be Audacity, which is freely available for download - check out my blog for the link) installed onto your computer it's plain easy from then on. Just think of the possibilities...lunchtime radio show, discussion/debate on topical issues, storytelling, weather report, self-introductions etc. etc.
