Monday, April 26, 2010

Reflection on technological tool in English teaching and learnning

During the whole course of new technology in language teaching, there were several functional teaching tools that have affected my future English teaching. First, I think hot potato is a really practical teaching tool for language teachers to establish diverse categories of tests for students, which includes the most applicable test items types in this tool. Applying this tool to my authentic teaching, I have used this tool to establish some reading comprehension tests for my tutorial students, which reflected students' English reading comprehension skills as well as made me aware students' strengths and weakness in English reading comprehension. Secondly, WIKI and Bloggers are two interactional tool for language teachers to give feedback and supply complementary language practices for students. To me, I will adopt these two ways to my authentic teaching in the future that I will establish a blogging to add some useful reading material and videos for students to broaden their knowledge. Also, I will open a on-line forum for students to comment on different lessons after class. Thirdly, BBC WORLD is a multifunctional English learning tool to me. As a English teacher, I can adopt the teaching criterion to my authentic teaching as well as select some practical exercise for students. As a student in my spare time, I also will use BBC English website to upgrade my English skills. Fourthly, I didn't know 'Second Life' until I took this New Tech class. Obtaining distinct teaching skills from Second life, I have adopted to my communicative English teaching for my tutorial students. I have encouraged my students to open accounts on it and all of us have chatted in Second Life community for a while. At this case, most of my students found it is really useful to reinforce their written English as well as enhance their interests in English learning. Later on ,I am trying to host a on-line class from Second Life in order to improve students' oral English as well. I think it would motivate the introverted students to practice their oral English. In conclusion, I have gained several theoretical and practical support from this course. Finally, I want to thank Professor Christoph and MATESL course and I learn a lot from this program.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Reflection on language learner behavior in a virtual environment

This article is focusing on investigating language learners' behavior in virtual learning
environment. Roed (2003) launched an experiment to investigate participant students'
communicative behavior structure in foreign language learning through computers. There were 13 student participants took part in the research, who were first and second-year students learning Danish. All the data was collected by observation and analyzed by transcribed. According to the data, the author found out that there were some strengths for language students to gain via computers. For one thing, language learners won't be distracted by accent during the practice as well as there no rush time periods or distractions for students to learn on line. For another, direct and instant reaction won't be display on line that introverted students won't be discouraged to learn. However, there are still drawback exist that language teachers should pay attention to. One the one hand, computer-assisted language teaching and learning is functional to assist the language learners who are not willing to speak in public. On the other hand, it is useful to affect students' cognitive development in learning foreign language learning. Generally speaking, virtual language learning environment is beneficial to language learning in strengthen their language on line that further research would be carried out to apply this method more thoroughly to language learning and teaching.
As an English teacher, I found virtual language environment is useful to language teaching and learning. First, I would apply this method to facilitate my students to practice their oral and written English after teaching new classes to students. At this case, students would be strengthened their oral English on line, especially useful for the shy students. Second, when I adopt this method to authentic pedagogy, I would set it for the lower and intermediate English learners for specific learning. At this case, such groups of students would catch up the chance to practice on line to compensate the time they lost in class. In conclusion, this method will be applied to my authentic teaching that it greatly bridges the lag between group work English learning and individual English learning.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reflection on practical considerarions on multimedia courseware development: a EFL IVD experience

According to the intensive reading from this article, we can see the deep research has been carried on the theme of IVD and EFL in the English learning classroom. With the awarding of equipments from Ministry of Education to Tsing Hua University, the research of IVD( Interative VideoDisk) project of courseware development in EFL classroom has been launched. The purpose of the research is to use IVD to enhance learners' EFL skills. The four objectives were adopted in the project that original scripts was analyzed in the form of function analysis. The three objectives are including the linguistic and paralinguistic features, the training of learning strategies and the negotiated model in language learning. The research is still going on that the effectiveness of courseware will be accomplished in coming years.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

About Second Life

According to Monday's class, I get to know better about Second Life in the field of education. Originally, I thought SL was a common 3D game eventhough is very interesting. After experiencing in the field of visual education in SL, I aware that SL is benefitial to English Education.Especially in practicing written English and listening English . One thing in SL really shocking me is that teacher can establish a visual and mock classroom in SL. Students also creat SL accounts and attend the analogous class in SL where teachers can teach students . Another point I really appreciate is that teachers can communicate with students as well as prompt students to practice English through SL. I determine to keep exploring this game in this semester and I hope I can relate my future teaching with SL in more broader ways.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Reflection on Week 3 reading

According to Week 3 reading, I think it is really practical to me. Take an general view on week 3 reading about Internet for English Teaching, it describes about learning goals,teaching guardlines,planning tips and sample web projects of Internet for English Teaching. Among these several parts, sample web projects is adoptable to my English teaching in the future. University-level content-based course is argued to be useful in our discusion group, which I think it's not only applicable to my current study, but also has long-term effect on my future teaching. Learning from this issue, it emphasizes students' on-line readings first. Later, students are taught to search information on line, send e-mails, communicate in this discussion lists and construct a Web pages. Finally, they are required to carry out cultural project that they should search information about different countries' holidays and do the project. Also, the assessment types in this course are diverse, which are multi-functional to all English learners in this course. In general, this teaching project has far-reaching effect on my teaching.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feedback on Last week presentation

Learning from last week's presentation, I have gained some useful imformation from some HK experienced teachers.
For example, Guide to English Phonetic Symbol . This one I found really useful because it facilitates students to improve pronouncation after being taught by English teachers. For another, this website I found from Agnes ' Talking English' is really attrative to me and other students as well ,which motivates students to practice English writing in active way.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Personal experiences

I work as an English trainer in EF(English First) Language training Center only for half year . Even though I didn't have adequate teaching experiences, I still have some opinions on technology in language teaching and learning. For one thing, I did use technology in English teaching when I was a trainer. For example, I have used computer, powerpoint, microphone and stereo that all these technological equipments to facilitate my teaching as well as motivate students' learning. For another, when I was college students two years ago, I did found that technology help me Language learning that I always depended on MP3, computer to improve my language listening and reading. As a result, there is no doubt that technology indeed facilitate language learning and teaching.